and this:
(That's his 31 foot, white, center console, boat, in the center) as they sat drinking their morning coffee, we got caught up on what all our kids are up too and our plans for this "retirement" thing. Skull retired 1 month ago today and is enjoying his time off, although I'm not sure Jan is ready for him to be around 24 hours a day ? ! ? ! ? Of course, none of us could take Skull being around 24 hours a day! I had to grab his ear and put a knife in his rib to calm him down while he was cooking breakfast. He forgot how I handled him in the day !!! ;-)
He cooked us a delicious eggs over easy and bacon breakfast and we mellowed for about an hour It was sad to day good bye to this great couple also. . .
Me and my buddy. He promised to watch "The Shawshank Redemption", which he has never seen??? One of my top 5 movies of all time, and at the end, the very end, I want him tell me if it doesn't remind him of our relationship over the years . . . I haven't seen Skull but a couple of times in the last 20 years and it was as if we lived next store . . . (Well Skull, that's my take on it and I'm writing this blog, so pound sand if you disagree) I also said good bye to "LANCER" (Jan picked the name?)
A Marine Beagle
I loaded the beast and hit the road about 12:30 for Pensacola.
Jan and Skull, "OK 3 Wire!" on the "Hospitality Check" with a great time had by all. Thank you so much for hosting this wayward Marine on his trip around the US. You're good people and please return the visit to Las Vegas sometime soon . . .
I rode the beautiful drive back to Pensacola:
As you know, Sammi had to work a 12 hour shift at the hospital last night. About midnight, she came down with a 102 degree temp, while on the ward, and they laid her down and put a bag of saline in her. She came home this morning a sick puppy, sore throat, weak and achy, like Jack? But she had a friend drive down from Alabama to go wedding dress shopping with her at 1 at David's Bridal . . .
I left Skull's and drove to David's Bridal Boo - Teak! And caught up with Sammi and her friend Sarah trying on dresses for the 12 Aug Destin Beach-side wedding. Here are a few in the stack:
(This one was a size too small. They only had her size in black:
And this one was my favorite . . . but here are a couple of more:
She tried on about 25 dresses and I took to this chore like oil takes to water ;-) and got out of there at the first oppurtunity. My place was at Nick'shouse and those 3 lovable dogs! Sammi eventually showed up and this is the crown in the back yard:
They are some cute, lovable dogs and I wish they were mine! I miss my Mr. Marbles . . . :-(
We took a nap while Nick studied for his 06:45 helo flight tomorrow. When he took a break, we went to dinner at the Ranch House. I had country fried chicken and it was goood !!! aaaaaaaaawe went back to Nick's, loaded up and drove back to Sammi's.
Well, the plan is to depart tomrrow morning for Tampa Fla. But now I feel like crap, weak in the arms and legs, headache, weird . . . So we will see how the Tuesday departure turns out. I'm signing off and going to "couch" and pack in the morning. Wish me luck!!! :-)
Luke OUT! :-)